Epic gets a makeover. v2017 upgrade complete.
Just as your Facebook app or Microsoft Windows require periodic updates, so does Epic. We’re staying current with enhancements.
You saw the movie Iron Man, right?
Ever since he shot across the sky a decade ago in a self-made rocket-propelled exoskeleton, Iron Man charged viewers’ imaginations, some dormant since the JFK space age.
Your baby’s heartbeat.
Every mother remembers what it’s like to hear her baby’s heartbeat for the first time.
Reducing unnecessary hospital admissions. There’s an app for that.
Helping our patients while saving literally millions of healthcare dollars in the process — what’s not to like?
Surgery. Making all the machines talk to each other.
Twenty-eight-year-old Andrew was being prepped for hand surgery due to an injury. He even joked a little throughout the prelude to anesthesia oblivion.
Every step counts.
"I need to get in my steps for today.” If you wear a Fitbit or Apple Watch, you’ve probably said that. If you don’t, you’ve heard a colleague say it, high-stepping the long route to the copy machine.