CIO Corner: Improving Access through Technology
Technology plays a large part in seamlessly connecting our patients and consumers with the right services at the right time, providing unparalleled access to health care.
Fostering a Culture of Security
Safeguarding our patient data and corporate systems is a collective effort that requires keen attention to detail and willingness from each of us to do our part.
TeleNursing Starts Strong at Houston Methodist
Since last July, on select units, experienced nurses who are working remotely connect with patients via video chat to handle admissions and discharges.
Phish Are Biting — Don’t Take the Bait
Cybercriminals are trying to lure you in to clicking fake messages and compromising our patient data and corporate systems. In the past two years, we’ve gotten much better at not getting hooked by suspicious emails.
Medical Imaging Technology: You’ve Come a Long Way
After the first X-ray was discovered, many other technologies were developed giving clinicians access to valuable patient diagnostic information and imaging-guided therapeutics.
2022: Year in Review
In 2022, our patients and everyone at Houston Methodist increasingly embraced different technologies.