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Enhancing global collaboration.

New Institute for Academic Medicine website for physicians and researchers.

A Dubai oncologist needs a triple-negative breast cancer consult with a leading expert. A University of Oxford faculty member is researching opportunities for her med school students. A Beijing researcher is looking for molecular imaging experts to collaborate on a grant. It all happens at

One web search. Thousands of collaborative opportunities.

600 experts. 32,000 research publications. 67 departments & centers. 850 projects.

The new IAM website combines all this information in a single, searchable place. Healthcare professionals globally can find Houston Methodist physicians, researchers, clinical trials and academic publications. Just by doing a web search.

What’s on the website.

Full faculty CVs, searchable by area of expertise, individual name or department. Houston Methodist research publications, searchable by topic, type (scientific journal article, book chapter, etc), publication year and language. All our centers of excellence and healthcare departments. Current research clinical trial and grant-funded projects, searchable by funding source, date and active or complete status.

By making it easy for others to find us, we expand our global reach.

Strong collaborative networks. Better patient care.

More collaboration enhances patient care two ways. Right now, by allowing providers to consult with each other on current cases. In the long run, because global research teams can up their game in discovering novel treatment protocols.

Raising the bar for all partners. also benefits our faculty by connecting them to a virtual global think tank. This means making it easier for our providers to plug in with colleagues worldwide, giving our faculty access to thousands of collaborative opportunities. Increased networking also can mean more external research funding and partnerships.