MARS mobile approvals. Making your life easier.
You’re on the go and have pending approvals for vouchers or requisitions. Approve your transactions. Anywhere, anytime, anyplace.
Normally, you need to stop, pop open your laptop, access the HM network and open MARS. Before long, you’ll be able to click a smartphone app to handle approvals.
Look for MARS mobile approvals coming soon.
We’ll push this app to HM smartphones for anyone who approves vouchers and requisitions. This includes Management Assembly systemwide, and anyone else who approves vouchers and requisitions.
“The best part is that I can be off network, at home, and do this without going to Apps Center and logging in,” said IT Corporate Business Systems Director Jennifer Ocasio.
“And this device is with me every minute of the day and night. I don’t need to look for the laptop and log in.”
Visibility. You can see everything.
You can see everything on your phone that you see on MARS Portal. Need to act on something? It’s there. All the details and comments you need to approve or deny outstanding requisitions.
You also can click and approve vouchers and requisitions you’re already familiar with.
“I don’t need to see the details of those because I’m already informed. I can click and approve,” Ocasio said. “The ones I don’t know about, I can open and see all the details, or ask for more information.”
It’s easy to get started.
To use on your personal smartphone, just open an email on your phone and download the app that MARS pushed to you. Click ‘Oracle approvals’ icon on your phone, and enter your phone’s PIN. You may need to enter your HM username and password.
Here’s how it works.
You’ll be able to open multiple transactions on your phone, or filter your list to see items by priority, date and more.
For some details about a specific transaction, swipe left or right on your screen. To see all the details, click the ‘>’ and the full transaction will display. You can even open any notes and attachments.
It also works on your iPad.
More MARS mobile coming soon.
Traveling and love filling out expense reports? Right. Kiss your paper receipts goodbye when MARS Mobile Travel and Expense comes later this year.
Other mobile accessibility will include enabling everyone to update personal information (address change, birth of a child, etc) on their smartphone. For FPR, managers will be able to see their team’s performance scores.